Quotes from Entrepreneurs to Propel You Forward!

If you are an entrepreneur, some days can feel lonely. Some days you will be indecisive about whether you should go on or just throw in the towel. Whenever you are feeling like that, pull up this page and read through these great quotes from successful entrepreneurs!...

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Resources for Creating Beautiful Images for FREE

You probably see many of the top trainers creating amazingly beautiful images with their name of link on it. If you have went to any of the stock images websites then you notice those prices are pretty expensive. Here is a simple guide for you to be able to understand...

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Facebook Relationship Building Dos & Dont’s

Whatever business you are doing, if you want to use facebook to build that business, it is important that you listen to these pointers. They will help you take a lot of the learning curve off and you'll be able to get results much faster. Facebook Don'ts and How to...

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Daily Method of Operation (DMO) – Being Process Oriented

As a business, owner, wife and mom to our dog Trinky, I have to make sure I am as productive as possible. Keeping a firm DMO aka daily method of operation makes sure I stay on track. Sometimes it can be easy to want to kick our shoes off when we get home and say, oh...

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How to Stay Focused: Use Brain Training

Staying focused seemed to be a lost art. We have so many things vying for our attention and we want to get them all done NOW. Not in 10 minutes and if we could we would do them yesterday and all at once. We actually feel a sense of reward for multitasking and it makes...

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Building Good Habits: Paper Clip Strategy

Have you ever had a challenge building good habits? Let's face it, good things are not always easy to do. It's not always fun to study when we want to watch tv. It may not be as tasty to eat one cookie instead of two. Whatever it is that we are doing, we need to be...

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Katya McEwen is a loving mother and wife, mentor, entrepreneur and coach. You can find her chasing her always traveling daughter around the world or at her beautiful home enjoying the views of the golf course with her husband Jeff and four-legged fur baby, Trinky.



In the not-too-distant past, there were really only two ways to make your eyelashes appear thicker, longer and darker, and both were temporary: mascara or false lashes. These days, there are more modern, longer-lasting options, including lash extensions and lash...

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